Jackie Stallone – Celebrity American Astrologer: Jackie Stallone or Jacqueline Frances Stallone – After running away with the circus, she promoted women’s wrestling and fitness, TV shows before seeing signs of the future in a most unusual spot. Later, she became something really great of a celebrity in her own right as an astrologer. Jacqueline Frances Stallone – 29th November 1921 – 21st September 2020 was an American astrologer, wrestling promoter and dancer. Jackie Stallone was the mother of the famous actor Sylvester Stallone, singer Frank Stallone, and popular actress Toni D’Alto, the latter by her former husband Anthony Filiti.
Who is Jackie Stallone?
Mrs. Stallone best known as the mother of the famous star Sylvester Stallone, who starred in the Rocky and Rambo movies, and also of Frank Stallone, a popular musician, singer, songwriter and film composer who, with Vince DiCola, wrote the 1980s hit song “Far from Over.”
Jackie Stallone, was the famed astrologer in the United States
However, she had an entrepreneurial thoughts and spirit, trying her hand at many careers and profession such as circus aerialist, gym owner, chorus girl, wrestling promoter, and more., before gaining notice as an astrologer,
Writing Starpower: An Astrological Guide to Super Success (1989) and at one point drawing the attention of the society columnist Bob Morris of The New York Times.
Jackie Stallone’s Early Life
Jacqueline Frances Labofish was born on November 29th, 1921, in Washington. Her mother’s name, Jeanne Victoria Anne Clerec, was a Parisian socialite. Jacqueline’s father, John Paul Labofish, was a lawyer.
Charles Atlas, the famous bodybuilder in the United states, who lived with the family and trained them in gymnastics, weight lifting and jogging.
At 15, Jackie Stallone ran away to join the Flying-Wallendas act for the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus Company.
Her father, who was a wealthy lawyer in the United States, wanted her to go to law school, but she wanted to be onstage.
Jackie Stallone was a chorus girl on Broadway for a time before returning to Washington USA, where she started an exercise program or class on a local TV station. Ahead of her time, she opened Barbella’s – a women (only) gym, in the 1950s.
During the 1980s, she appeared as a coach or trainer on -Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling – a TV show that promoted women’s wrestling as mainstream entertainment . Mrs. Stallone finished her high school in her 40s (Age of 40) and attended a community college in Florida USA.
Jackie Stallone Marriage(s)
Jackie married Frank Stallone Sr. in 1945 and the marriage ended in divorce in 1957.
Therefore, her next marriage was in 1959 to Anthony Filiti, with whom she had a daughter, Toni.
The third marriage was with Stephen Levine in 1998.
In addition to her sons, Jackie Stallone is survived by her husband, a sister Renee Link, six grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.
Jackie Stallone – Astrologer And Psychic
Jackie Stallone’s amazing biography spans years of skills, experience, knowledge, talent, accomplishment and achievement. She was born in Washington, D.C. United States of America, the daughter of a prominent attorney, popular Lawyer in the USA and his wife a socialite Parisian attorney.
Jackie’s interest in Astrology began as a child when the famous psychic -Edgar Casey, her father’s friend and neighbour in Virginia Beach, VA, USA, told her she had a mission and passion in life.
A calling that she would find soon, and the world would recognize her for her talents and skills. Very soon she is recognized to be a world famous psychic and astrologer.
Jackie Stallone has studied over 15 years under the tutelage of Dr. Mark Edmund Jones, Wilma Beard, Dane Rudyard and Manley Hail all protegees of Evangeline Adams, the greatest astrologer of the 20th Century.
Jacqueline Stallone was responsible for getting astrology and psychic accepted as an accredited lesson or course in many colleges and universities in this country.
Jackie Stallone Rumpology Reports
Jackie Stallone, the foremost American rumpologist, has greatly revealed and revived the ancient art of Rumpology.
Rump reading is an art that highly practised in ancient Babylon, Greece, Rome and India. The ancient Greeks who were the skilled thought the derriere was the key to health, fitness, well-being and fidelity. And the Romans used prints of the gluteus-maximus -the way some people use the popular palmistry nowadays, to determine potential talents, wisdom, knowledge, skills and future success.
Rumpology also sometimes called butt reading in modern-parlance. It is the art of reading the lines on the palm, dimples, crevices and folds of the buttocks to divine the human’s personality. Aso, it means the character and gain an understanding and ideas of what has occurred in the past and get a prediction of the future using this technique.
An example of an ancient – Rump Print
Ancient rump reading was done when the seeker covered her or his derriere -rump, butt with HENNA dye which is a brown- orange dye. This dye is made from plant fibres and sat on a medium such as papyrus to leave an impression. This will be like a fingerprint, palm, or foot print as well.
Such prints are meaningful and highly individualistic, as no two people share the same markings in the world.
Jackie Stallone has discovered that the left and right cheeks reveal a human’s past and future life, respectively.
The right buttocks means, resonates and represents the left cerebral hemisphere of the brain. Whereas the left buttocks resonates and represents the right hemisphere.
It is kind or and similar to palmistry. Here the left palm resonates and represents the past and the right palm represents the future life.
A rump report from Jackie Stallone tells you whether you are going “ass-backwards” or eyes open into future success.
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